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Bitter & Glitter

We are passionate about elevating your cocktails with a dash of deliciousness and a hint of shimmer. Our bitters add a complex layer of flavor, with options like the sweetly whimsical Strawberry Fluff or a burst of color from our Now in Color line. A touch of iridescent shimmer adds a playful touch to every sip, no matter your choice. Simple and delightful, Bitter & Glitter takes your cocktails from ordinary to eye-catching and delicious. Each drop is a burst of flavor that meets a touch of sparkle.


Functional Art for all Bartenders



Each ounce of our handcrafted bitters boasts a gram of edible glitter, which translates to roughly 2 grams in a standard bottle. That's a surprising amount, considering a typical serving size is just a few dashes!



Forget mass-produced mixers! Bitter & Glitter takes a different approach. Each bottle is a labor of love, handmade from start to shimmer. The secret recipes, bursting with unexpected flavor combinations, are lovingly concocted in small batches. Even the labels are crafted with care, ensuring each bottle is a unique work of art. It's this dedication to the homemade touch that elevates Bitter & Glitter beyond bitters, transforming them into a delightful and personal cocktail experience.



Don't let the glitter fool you! Bitter & Glitter's magic lies in their handcrafted bitters. Our flavored bitters packs a symphony of complex flavors, from earthy roots to citrus zests, designed to elevate your cocktails. The edible glitter is just a dazzling wink, a tiny fraction compared to the depth of flavor waiting to be unleashed in every sip.



Bitter & Glitter is handcrafted right here in Colorado Springs. Our bitters elevates your cocktails with from our small-batch magic. Our bitters are bursting with fresh, seasonal flavors thanks to botanicals sourced from nearby. Every sip supports your community and explodes with the unique taste of Colorado.


Mess Free

Forget the mess of loose glitter! Bitter & Glitter offers a stress-free way to add sparkle to your cocktails. Our sparkly bitters were made so you can achieve a dazzling effect without the hassle of loose glitter. Unlike sprinkling loose glitter on top, which can leave a trail of unwanted shimmer on your hands, bar, floor, wall, hair, dishwasher, clothes.. (you get it!) Bitter & Glitter's bitters seamlessly integrate the glitter, ensuring a beautiful, even distribution throughout your drink. This means no more glitter fallout or unwanted sparkles clinging to you. Just a few dashes of Bitter & Glitter and your cocktail transforms into a shimmering masterpiece, ready to impress without the cleanup.


Owner and Operator

I started the business in January of 2022.

I created Bitter and Glitter to allow myself, and other bartenders, the opportunity to make something special. Bitters are a key ingredient in cocktails, my problem at the time was 90% of them came in a dark brown color. I wanted to create something that not only had a lot of flavor, but a visual and/ or aromatic effect that I hadn't seen done before.

It really was a mixture of things. The idea came from working at a establishment that made everything from scratch. I had  designed a bitters for them and found a passion doing it. I also love Polynesian cocktails and the over the top garnishes they usually come with. I found myself topping a lot of drinks with brown bitters and I just thought, why can't bitters be beautiful?


How did you get into the mixology scene?

I started my career as a bartender over ten years ago. I wouldn't consider myself a mixologist  for that entire time, more of a historian of cocktails. For me, at least, I wanted to learn as much as I could about the classic ways drinks were made. I was 18 when I bought my first cocktail book, Mr. Boston Official cocktail. While the rest of my friends were taking shots of Bacardi Raz, I was making tequila poppers- 1 oz tequila blanc, splash of sprite,  splash of grenadine and a splash of blue curacao in a shot glass. Take a bar napkin and slam the shot glass three times and immediately drink the purple, fizzy shot. I wouldn't recommend it now, but we have to all start somewhere. Back to mixologist, I would say I started 3 years ago, it was a mixture of me not wanting to muddle fruit in a old fashion anymore and all the amazing, talented bartenders in Colorado Springs that helped me really dig deeper into understanding what actually goes into a well crafted cocktail. 

Oh man it would be easier to tell you a few things i don't like but if I had to narrow it down to just a few, I would have to start with the amazing regulars that I would consider family. Over the course of my career I have built relationships with some of the most amazing people, not only do they bring me joy when they walk in but also a sense of community. They prove to me that this isn't a just about slinging drinks out, its about building relationships. These individuals make work seem like just hanging out with friends.


Second has to be working at Axe and the Oak Whiskey House. I have been in the hospitality industry since I was 15, mostly front of the house but there hasn't been a single position that I haven't done. What I do now is more exciting than any of it. Since Axe and the Oak is a distillery, they are only allowed to sell products that are made in house. This is where I come in.  We wanted to be a full bar, so we have to infuse our own products. For instance, making moonshine and bourbon into things like Gin, Amaro, creme de menthe, cocoa and even coming up with my own recipe for ammeratto.  They have really given me a opportunity to dive deeper into what exactly makes all those liquors we adore so much!


Lastly, I love that behind the bar you are in charge of everything. I love team work and working with people but there is something to be said about being in control of your surroundings. If something isn't quite right, I am right there to fix it.

What are some of your favorite parts about what you do?
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